Does Mosquito Repellent Clothing Work?

mosquito repellent

You may have tried many methods to rid your yard of mosquitoes, but whatever you do, you’re still getting bitten. The skeeters are annoying, and their bites itchy, but worse, the diseases they transmit can be dangerous. Ideally, you would like a solution that’s environment-friendly and effective. Pre-treated clothing that repels mosquitoes and protects you …

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How High Do Mosquitoes Fly?

How High Do mosquitoes Fly

It’s widely believed that mosquitoes fly no higher than 25 feet. But of course, it depends on the species and climatic conditions. Would a salt marsh mosquito, which can fly over 40 miles to find a blood meal, fly at the same height as an Aedes aegypti that only travels a few hundred feet? No, …

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Do Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellent Devices Work?

ultrasonic mosquito control devices - do they work

You may have seen devices or even apps you can charge on your phone that emit ultrasonic sounds only mosquitoes can hear. The manufacturers claim these sounds can repel mosquitoes. It’s a nice idea, no more dousing yourself with repellents or using unpleasant chemicals. Some of these devices have been around for a few years, …

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Do Dragonflies Eat Mosquitoes?

Do drogonflies eat mosquitoes

Flying insects can be annoying. Mosquitoes can bite, wasps can sting, flies are dirty and can be irritating, but dragonflies are really quite special. It’s true when they come into the house, they make a little noise as their wings brush against the windows or ceilings. But look at them closely, and they are quite …

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What is the Sterile Insect Technique?

What is the sterile insect technique?

Have you heard of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) and wonder whether it can be used or is being used to control mosquitoes? You will find out more in this post. Why is it Important to Control Mosquitoes? Some mosquitoes spread diseases that can be harmful to humans and animals. They can spread viruses like …

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Mosquito Dunks (Effective, Safe and Affordable!)

mosquito larvae eat mosquito dunks

We may earn a commission for purchases using links on our site. Learn more. Do you have standing water in your garden and a problem with mosquitoes? If so, mosquito dunks could be the perfect solution. They are effective, safe, and inexpensive. Read on to find out how and where to use them. What are …

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19 Mosquito Facts (Fun & Informative Facts You May Not Know)

interting facts about mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are annoying pests that can carry many dangerous diseases. They are capable of driving us crazy with their bites and buzzing around our ears. At the same time, having survived for millions of years, they merit our interest. Here are 17 interesting facts about mosquitoes you might not know. 1. Mosquitoes need water to …

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Can Mosquitoes Spread Coronavirus?

Can Mosquitoes Transmit Coronavirus

With the warm weather, a new mosquito season is beginning. Mosquitoes are the cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths every year and spread different viruses. As we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a legitimate question is can mosquitos transmit the coronavirus? Mosquitos Transmit Other Viruses It is known that mosquitoes can …

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The 10 Most Common Myths About Mosquitoes

common myths about mosquitoes

With summertime commencing, the warm weather brings about some of the peskiest annoyances of summer. That’s right, we’re talking about mosquitoes. In this article, we’ll be listing some of the myths about mosquitoes and debunking them. Just when we think there’s nothing interesting to learn about these pests, we find ten interesting facts to combat …

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Monitoring the Pests: Where Do Mosquitoes Go in the Winter?

where do mosquitoes go in the winter

Pesky, annoying, irritating, the bane of summer…Whatever you want to say about mosquitoes, you have to admit that they’re extremely resilient. Fossil evidence shows that the mosquitoes we battle with today are practically identical to the mosquitoes that were buzzing around 46 million years ago. This means that, unlike dinosaurs, mosquitoes survived the ice age that took place 2.5 million years ago. As such, it’s not surprising that a few months …

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Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others?

young woman trying to escape mosquitoes

Are you one of these people that seems to be the number one target for any mosquitoes in your vicinity? If yes, you probably wonder what makes you such a special attraction. Understanding what lures these insects to you could be useful in helping you to stay bite-free or at least less attractive. You may …

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10 Tips to Prepare For The Mosquito Season

prepare for the mosquito season

There’s nothing better than Spring and Summer after a long cold winter. But with warmer temperatures also comes outdoor pests, like mosquitos. They’re extremely annoying and almost impossible to stay away from. There are a few things you can do to prepare for mosquito season so that you don’t have to worry about getting bitten …

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