Katchy Indoor Insect Trap Review

By: Peter
Last updated:
katchy indoor UV insect trap for fruit flies and gnats

Have you had enough of being bugged by fruit flies, gnats, and mosquitoes? In this post, we look at the Katchy Indoor Insect Killer.

There is a wide selection of mosquito traps available so could the Katchy be a solution to get rid of these pesky insects? Will it provide a safe, effective way to kill these annoying insects inside your home? Let’s find out!

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Features and Benefits

  • Chemical-free; safe to be used around family and pets
  • Odorless
  • Uses UV light to attract the bugs, a fan to suck them in, and a glue board to trap them
  • Needs electricity to work. It comes with a USB cable 42 inches long and a USB to AC plug adapter
  • With manual operation, you have complete control
  • 2-speed settings -silent mode or standard mode which is stronger
  • Comes with 4 glue boards; additional packs of glue boards can be purchased
  • For indoor use only
  • Portable, easy to move to another place you just need electricity
  • Works quietly, with no zapping sound when insects are caught, just the sound of the fan
  • Stylish design, you can choose between black or white
  • Choice of standard or low speed; low speed makes less noise
  • Easy to use; switch on and leave it to catch the flying insects
  • Designed to catch fruit flies, moths, gnats, and mosquitoes
  • Coverage area 320 sq. feet
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 5.5 x 9.1 inches
  • Weighs 1.39 pounds

How it Works

The Katchy Insect Trap uses ultraviolet light to attract insects. Once the insects fly around the top of the trap, a fan sucks them in. The insects then descend to the bottom of the trap, where they are trapped on a glue board.

When you first get the trap you may need to run it day and night. But as the numbers of flying bugs decrease, running the trap at night will probably be enough.

The trap is not for outdoor use, so place the Katchy Indoor Fly Trap trap near fruit, plants, or the trash bin inside your house, where insects are a problem.

The unit is manual; you turn it on when you like and select either standard or silent mode. For better results, the standard mode is more powerful.

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Pros and Cons


  • A quick and easy system to tackle your indoor insect problems
  • Portable, chemical-free, safe, small, and light to move around. If you have a USB port available (a power bank or laptop) the Katchy could be used on camping trips
  • Safe – no chemicals or other dangerous components no zapping
  • Quiet when working, no zapping, just the sound of the fan
  • Clean safe solution. No insect parts sprayed around as in the use of bug zappers
  • One-year guarantee and customer service seem reactive


  • Larger insects such as house flies may not be trapped
  • Needs to be placed near the source fruit flies or gnats for best results
  • Cost of replacement glue boards


What Amazon Customers Say About the “Katchy”

The Katchy Insect Trap has tens of thousands of reviews on Amazon, with thousands of five-star ratings. It comes highly recommended! Let’s see what a few Katchy-verified purchasers say about it.

One verified purchaser started with one to see if it would catch mosquitoes to stop their children from getting bites. It worked, no more bites for their kids, and they now have 3 Katchy’s! Another purchaser started with one and now has 6

Although skeptical when she brought the insect trap, a different purchaser states that she is delighted at how many fruit flies it’s catching. The unit is quiet even in the stronger mode; it sounds like a small fan. She intends to buy another unit!

One shopper who was having problems with mosquitoes and sandflies started with one trap and was so impressed they purchased 6 more! They say it hardly makes any noise when working, and the UV light doesn’t bother them.

Another reviewer was also pleased with the unit catching mosquitoes. They point out that mosquitoes aren’t usually attracted to light, but the Katchy seems to catch them, and their house is now mosquito-free. They mentioned a negative point that the trap is a little too bright when on the standard mode, but the silent mode provides a comfortable alternative.

There are many reviews from other satisfied customers and some 1-star reviews. The most common complaints with the 1-star reviews are that the trap doesn’t catch anything or the fan makes a lot of noise.

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap Bottom Line

Most people are very satisfied with the Katchy Indoor Trap. It seems to trap fruit flies, gnats, moths, and mosquitoes. I’ve also read of people catching aphids if placed next to plants.

Another Katchy product, the Katchy Automatic Insect Trap, works in the same way. Either manually, or it can be set up to turn on automatically when the room is dark enough and turn off again when there is enough light in the room.

Many purchasers recommend the Katchy trap as effective for catching small flying insects – worth trying!

If you have a problem with mosquitoes an indoor mosquito trap shouldn’t be the only way you try to limit these pesky insects. The first place to start is to limit their possible breeding sites by removing any sources of standing water in your yard. Stopping mosquitoes from reproducing is the most effective way to reduce their numbers.

Katchy FAQ

Will the Katchy Insect Trap catch mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are attracted by the carbon dioxide we exhale, plus heat and body odors. So, in theory, these traps shouldn’t catch many mosquitoes. However, the reviews from purchasers repeatably claim these traps successfully eliminate mosquitoes. Why?
According to a study, certain species of mosquitoes might be attracted to UV light. In the study, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex quinquefasciatus weren’t particularly drawn to the UV light, but Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were, particularly in the spectra used in the Katchy traps. So it seems the traps will catch certain species of mosquitoes.
If you feel happier using a mosquito trap that produces CO2, you could try one of the Dynatrap indoor traps.

How do you clean the Katchy Trap?

The glue board needs to be changed when bugs cover the surface, or it is not sticky anymore.
To change the glue board unplug the Katchy, press the latch on the side of the trap, and pull the base downwards. Remove the used glue board and put it in the bin. Take a new sticky board and peel off the paper. Place it in the base with the sticky side facing upwards. Close the trap.
The length of time before changing your glue board will depend on the level of infestation you’re dealing with and whether the trap is in a dusty environment. For most people, this will probably be about a month.
Apart from changing the glue board, the exterior of the trap can be cleaned with a damp cloth, and if the grill gets dust in it, clean it with compressed air or a vacuum cleaner.

Who is the Katchy Trap for?

If you have a problem with fruit flies, gnats, mosquitoes, or moths, then the Katchy could be right for you. On the other hand, if you have a problem with another pest such as large flies, you will need to search for another solution.
If you have a continuing problem with mosquitoes or other insects, it’s best to look for the source of where they are coming from.
For example, mosquitoes need water to breed, so make sure you have no containers that can hold water (even a minimal amount) lying around your yard.
Fruit flies are attracted to ripe fruit and can breed in the trash or compost containers, drains, and other places. Ensure all ripe fruit is eaten, discarded, or put in the refrigerator.
For larger flies, it may be rotting food in your bin, compost, or pet food attracting them. Make sure to keep your bin covered or emptied regularly, take compost materials out promptly, and clean or cover the pet bowl between meals.

Alternatives to the Katchy Insect Trap

If you’re not sure about the Katchy trap there are a number of alternatives.
Yellow sticky traps are cheap and good at catching insects around plants, fruit flies, and larger flies. The biggest drawback is they don’t look very nice.
Bug zappers also work with UV lights and will catch flying insects. A couple of drawbacks with bug zappers are the zapping sound and the insect parts may be sprayed over a few feet when they are shocked.
If your problem is with biting insects, such as mosquitoes a trap that produces carbon dioxide, in addition to UV light might give you more success.

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Peter spends most of his time outside in his large garden. He has been fighting mosquitoes for a few years trying different traps and repellents without using agressive chemicals.